About Us

The Land Justice Network commonly abbreviated as LJN is a non - government civil society organization working on land related matters with the aim of ensuring land tenure security for all. We engage in two broad categories of work. At community level, we conduct outreaches, mediations, legal aid clinics, capacity building of land structures, monitor land management institutions and hold land debates. To influence policy, we engage with structures at Meso and Macro levels.
Our Mission

To provide a benchmark through which practical solutions to the realization of tenure security can be achieved through efficient, equitable and sustainable legal processes.

Our Vision

A society with efficient, equitable and sustainable land justice systems that guarantees tenure security for all citizens.

Our Core Values

Our core values are Integrity, Innovation, Equity, Collaboration, Team Work and Respect

The foundations of Land Justice Network lie in the principles of equity and equality, in the desire to ensure inclusion and equal opportunities in access to and control over productive resources including land. This includes putting the women, youth and the minority groups at the Centre of Land Justice Network. It further includes ensuring that the existing policy and legal frameworks not only respond to their needs but that the practical application leads to their economic and social political empowerment.

Our Core Values


During the execution of our duties, we do them with a lot of honesty and always show consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values.


Being a Dynamic, trend Setters and Introducing New Products in the Sector.


We believe in fairness , Objectivity and Mutual respect.


We work collaboratively with people and organizations in order to achieve a common goal.

Team Work

We value cooperation ,using individual skills and proving constructive feedback to get everyone on the same page.


We respect and listen to peoples ideas, Interests and cultural backgrounds while encourage healthy debate and difference of opinion.